
Accommodation: The ability to focus upon objects at different distances.

Amblyopia (lazy eye): This is a condition which means you have clear vision in one eye and weak vision in the other eye. Your brain only wants to use the eye with clear vision and shuts off use of the weaker eye. It is not due to eye health problems and eyeglasses or contact lenses can’t fully correct the reduced vision.

Asthenopia: Eyestrain.

Astigmatism: A vision condition that causes blurred vision.

Binocular Vision: The ability of both eyes to work together as a team.

Computer Vision Syndrome: A group of eye and vision-related problems that result from prolonged computer use.

Convergence Insufficiency: An eye coordination problem in which the eyes have a tendency to drift outward when reading or doing close work.

Depth perception (stereopsis): The ability to see things in 3-dimensional space which allows you to judge distances between you and other objects.

Farsightedness or hyperopia: A vision condition in which distant objects are usually seen clearly, but close objects do not come into proper focus.

Focal vision: uses the centre of the retina and is the kind of vision used when corrective lenses are worn. It is associated with the central photoreceptors( cones)

Nearsightedness or myopia: A vision condition in which you can see close objects clearly, but objects farther away are blurred.

Nystagmus: A vision condition in which the eyes make repetitive, uncontrolled movements, often resulting in reduced vision.

Ocular Migraine:A type of severe headache accompanied by various visual symptoms.

Peripheral Vision: Side vision that uses the peripheral photoreceptors of the retina and is used for balance and movement in space.

Strabismus: (also known as an eye turn, wandering eye, crossed eye, or wall eye) is a lack of coordination between the eyes. The eyes cannot work together, like most people’s eyes do, so they drift apart and look in different directions. This causes the brain to receive double images. If not treated early, strabismus can lead to loss of vision or amblyopia (lazy eye) where the brain suppresses, or ignores one of the images to avoid seeing double.

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