Do you have binocular vision?
[see also this independent YouTube video, by TheVisionHelp
“What 3D movies can tell you about your vision”]


In order to see 3D your brain has to use the visual information from both eyes. If the two eye views are too different and cannot be matched, the brain will switch off one of the views by suppressing one eye and be forced to make a choice. It will reject all or part of the information from one eye. "Frame An Object" will tell you whether you are using both eyes.

1. Hold your thumb or a pencil about 15cm in front of your nose and look at any object across the room (the larger the object the closer to your nose you have to bring your thumb or pencil).

2. If both eyes are being used you will see 2 thumbs or 2 pencils framing the object.

3. Now look at your thumb or the pencil. You should see 2 objects framing one thumb or pencil.


Can't see 2 thumbs or 2 pencils (or 2 objects) or does one thumb/pencil or object disappear and the reappear?

In addition do you or your child have difficulties with any of the following:

- throwing or catching a ball

- driving and parking a car

- planning and building a three-dimensional object

- threading a needle and sewing

- pouring into a container

You may want to consider having a comprehensive eye examination which includes the testing of binocular vision. Loss of binocular vision decreases quality of life.

Our electric Brock string can aid in the training of binocular vision